Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
The Fisheries Division undertakes research, analysis, monitoring and reporting to inform the sustainable development and management of fisheries and aquaculture in Samoa. The Division is mandated to liaise with international, regional, government agencies and village communities on issues affecting the conservation, development and management of fisheries resources and their ecosystems; advise government agencies, villages, non-government organizations and stakeholders on the development and management of aquaculture, coastal and oceanic fisheries for the present and future generations of Samoa. It may also carry out other functions for the purpose of conservation, development and management of fisheries in Samoa.
The CBFMP is an approach facilitated by the Advisory Section to engage coastal communities to manage and protect their fisheries resources and marine environment. The programme is a u201cbottom-upu201d approach in which communities have the primary responsibility to manage their marine environment, aquatic and fisheries resources whilst the
Fisheries Division-MAF provides technical support. The CBFMP approach was developed to integrate well with the social norms, customs and traditions in the Samoan village communities. It is designed to empower local village communities as resource owners and users to take charge and be more responsible with their actions towards the marine environment and the fisheries resources.
The basic principles for Samoau2019s CBFMP are;
To date, more than 120 coastal village communities in Samoa joined the program with
80% fully active in executing 100% of their management plans undertaking including the
establishment of their village-owned fish reserves and development of their village
The CBFMP activities includes but not limited to the following;
The Coastal/Inshore Fisheries Section is responsible for the sustainable development and management of Samoau2019s coastal fisheries and marine resources. The core activities includes but not limited to the following;
The Offshore Section exist to manage Samoau2019s oceanic fisheries and to progress the development of
the commercial fisheries and processing sector through the provision of advice that are informed
from the results of the following work areas.
Oceanic fisheries management activities include but not limited to the following:
Oceanic fisheries development activities includes but not limited to the following;
The Aquaculture Section is responsible for farming aquatic organisms in freshwater,
seawater, brackish water and inland saline water. Aquaculture in Samoa was developed
and promoted to alleviate marine fishing pressure through species introduction and
restocking in the lagoons and reefs.
Aquaculture activities includes but not limited to the following;
Given the importance of promoting aquaculture developments, Fisheries Division
envisages new developments to expand infrastructure to accommodate trialling of
species such as seagrape and mabe-pearl and other potential aquaculture species. The
expansion of the multispecies hatchery at Toloa and the improvement of the facilities
will serve the national interests and responsibilities in research station establishment,
brood stock management, and biosecurity and quarantine protocols.
The Fisheries Surveillance and Enforcement provides enforcement services pertinent to the Fisheries Management Act 2016. The activities include but not limited to the following;
The Competent Authority (CA) is the independent government agency responsible for the verification and certification of fish exports. The overall objective of the CA is to ensure that the fish and fishery products originating from Samoa satisfy the requirements of its trading partners or overseas markets.
The CA activities include but not limited to the following;
Provide initial and regular follow up training for CA inspectors and Fisheries authorized officers
The section is responsible for the general administration of the Division as well as
maintaining the Fish Market ensuring the hygienic and sanitation requirements are
observed at all times.
The activities include;
Carry out general operations and maintenance of the Apia Fish Market, Toloa Multispecies Hatchery, Salelologa and Asau Offices.